its 0630, have you had your tantrum yet?
Good morning dear readers…
David attends a day program in a city 58 miles from our home. He is transported back and forth by our school district everyday. So he has to be up and ready to leave the house by 7am.
This morning, David was caught with keys that he had stolen from mom and dads room. He was caught breaking into an area of the house that he isn’t allowed in. And when he was caught it immediately set off a tantrum.
“David, what do you think that you are doing…” I asked.
“Just trying to wake up” was his response.
The Tantrum begins!
Then we proceeded to talk about his clothing for the day. He wanted to wear his pajamas and wet pull up to school. The tantrum started. 20 minutes later with him acting like a child 9 years younger, he is dressed, medicated and ready for school. About 15 minutes of that was him running in circles screaming for mom, because he wanted her to “approve his pants for today.”
Why make a big deal out of his clothes? Easy, the school has a dress code. David is well aware of the dress code.
So now, I am off to bed. in 3 hours I have to be wide awake to take one of our children to a medical appointment in the city. Energy drinks, here I come…
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We haven’t had our tantrum yet BUT we had two yesterday. I’m okay with a few days off, or even just one for that matter. Hang in there.