Things are kind of rocking along here in whynotfathers land.
Our youngest son is still being home schooled. We still don’t know what is supposed to be in the Service Plan that we are supposed to file with the school district. Our state Department of Public Instruction gave me our state century code as guidelines, and then referred me to our school superintendent for more advice. The superintendent told me to ask my wife. My wife, who teaches in special education in another district, says he doesn’t need one, and even if he did, doesn’t know what is supposed to be in it.
Our local newspaper did a feature story about David and I, about our little home school. It was kind of neat. Wish we could have talked about the issues with our local district a little more, but getting the word out about kids having special needs was more important.
On the other hand, we may have a new match for Respite Care for him and our family, which will be a huge bonus for our entire family.
And last but not least, we heard about our request for mediation. Which we put in a week ago in response to the school’s request for mediation from early May.
Since it is summer time here on the Northern Great Plains, I doubt that anything will happen much before August. I did give the mediators a complete list of the people on David’s team who needed to be invited to the mediation meeting. Wish us luck. 🙂
Also don’t forget to check out the post about Jackson’s Journey and our quest to get him a weighted blanket.
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